Assessment cases of Cooglow
Mar 22, 2024
Dong Xin

Application scenarios of the Cooglow:

  • Used for cleaning and surface treatment of TEM grid support membranes. Hydrophobic TEM carbon films show increased hydrophilicity after gas glow discharge treatment, resulting in more uniform dispersion of polar suspended liquid samples on the carbon film.
  • Applied to the hydrophilization treatment of transmission electron microscope samples of biomedical materials, polymer materials (coatings, fibers, paints, rubber, etc.), and inorganic materials (powders, particles).

Experience with the Cooglow glow discharge instrument:

  • Fast hydrophilization treatment, capable of batch processing grid support membranes (at least 16).
  • Different types of membranes were used, including square membranes, conventional carbon support membranes, and ultra-thin carbon support membranes. Hydrophilization treatment is relatively gentle. Adjusting the cleaning power and time results in high membrane integrity.
  • It is recommended to prepare sample drops as soon as possible after hydrophilization treatment to fully leverage its effects, facilitating sample dispersion, staining, etc.
  • For ultra-thin sliced samples, hydrophilization treatment aids in stable attachment to the grid support membrane, enabling stable observation at high resolution in the electron microscope.

Hydrophilization Case Study of Coolglow

Case 1: Biological Sample - Modified Protein Stained with Phosphotungstic Acid (Conventional Carbon Support Membrane)

Parameters Used: Power 25W, Pressure 40Pa, Glow Time 60s

Hydrophilization Outcome: Untreated hydrophobic grid membranes stained with modified protein samples exhibited severe aggregation of staining in the electron microscope field of view. In contrast, hydrophilized grid membrane samples stained with modified protein showed no issues of sample aggregation with the dye, and spherical particles were visible.

Case 2:Biological sample - Liposomes negatively stained with uranyl acetate (on a common carbon support film)

Parameters Used: Power 25W, Pressure 40Pa, Glow Time 40s

Hydrophilization Outcome: Liposomes were evenly distributed, with no issues of sample aggregation with the dye.

Case 3: Biological Sample - Mouse Brain Slices (Square Membrane)

Trial Summary:

The Cooglow Glow Discharge Instrument (Coolglow) features a compact overall design, with a small and aesthetically pleasing device footprint. It operates quietly and does not require any special laboratory space considerations. The operation is simple and easy to learn, allowing for personalized program parameter settings for different types of grid support membranes, which facilitates independent use by both instructors and students. The machine's performance is relatively stable, and maintenance is straightforward, making it friendly for laboratory upkeep and management.